Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Winter Is Here

All my NY friends posting pictures of snow today and talking about the treacherous conditions inspired me to post photos from our little "dusting" on Saturday.

One of the reasons I left NY was the snow, I'm just not a fan. The cold, the starting your car 20 minutes before you go anywhere, cleaning off your car, bundling up, etc. it's just not my favorite.

But this. THIS kind of snow I don't mind. We had an inch or two, big flakes, and the roads were clear! Of course I still didn't go anywhere because even though the roads were clear, Oklahoma drivers tend to drive like crazy people. It's like everyone forgets how to drive when we have a few snowflakes.

Since it was Saturday and I had nowhere to go (other than to the store to get some milk and where I had a mini crisis leaving, but that's another story for another day), I enjoyed sipping coffee and watching the snow fall outside my cozy apartment.

By afternoon the snow had stopped and the sun was shining. That's Oklahoma weather for you.

And now? The snow is gone. Lasted a few days and then it warmed up enough to melt it all away.

Until next time, snow. Next time though, could you come during the week so I can have a "work from home in my sweatpants" kind of day?  Thank you in advance!

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