Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Miracle in Our Midst?

When I watch this little Treasure sleeping, I can’t help it but stand amazed at the hand of God. Remember just 5 months ago when I sent out an emergency prayer request asking you all to pray for a miracle? The doctors were giving her no hope. Children with her condition never left the hospital alive. "You might as well give upon her," they said. But of course, we know that there is always hope. No matter how slim it looks, in Christ there is a hope. And He indeed worked a miracle. I still stand amazed. Do you know what I think? God was planning on healing her all along but He was waiting for His people to stand up and cover this little one in prayer. To trust Him in a miracle and then to watch His hand at work.

We are in need of another miracle. Peanut is not doing well. He was transferred to a better hospital last night and his condition is quite serious. As we sit and listen to the doctor’s, it’s easy to become discouraged. He is so sick…. What hope is there for him? But as we have already stated, there is always hope. Won’t you please pray for another miracle? Pray that the peace of Christ will fill his heart as well.

Do we have another miracle in our midst? We very well may.

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