Thursday, April 4, 2013


I am sorry that I dropped off the face of the blogging world since I've been in the states.
Honestly, I'm all confused.
I know, I know, for those of you who actually know me know that this is NOT uncommon!
I have only been back in the US for 2 weeks, yet it feels like I've been back much longer.
Maybe it's the fact that after being home a week, I traveled down south with my family for vacation.
Or maybe it's just that jet lag confuses you altogether. 

Being home has been great.
People wonder how the adjustment is to life back in the states.
The first few days were a bit tough. 
Going to the store with so many options, understanding the language being spoken around me, and just trying to become acclimated to the right time zone.

Now though, I feel like I never left.
Which is good but makes me sad as well.
It's so easy to jump back into life in the states. 

This week has been good. 
Been good to spend time with my family. 
Been good to just relax, read, and not worry about what I have to do.
Come next week I'll jump into support raising but for now I'm just relaxing.

I feel like in my short time home, several things have been made clear to me.
God is confirming what I have been feeling in my heart. 
And confirmation is always good. 

We head back home on Saturday.
Once I'm back, I'll try to hop back on the "blogging band wagon."
But for now, I've enjoyed being disconnected. 
It's a good thing to be from time to time.

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