Monday, January 7, 2013

"Show Me Your Faith"

“Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do.”   James 2:18 

Faith is a very important aspect of our Christian walk and mentioned throughout the Bible, yet it is something that is so hard to do at times. We need to have faith to trust God when we don’t know what He is doing. Faith to believe that what He says is true no matter what. Faith is needed when a situation seems huge or impossible. But we must remember that nothing is impossible to God.

I will be heading into my second year in China in just a few months. And another year means more financial need. I remember my lack of faith back in December 2011, just a few months before I was scheduled to leave for China and when I only had 10% of my goal. When I began to doubt Him,  God clearly placed  this verse on my heart:

 “To Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine.”

I felt like it was God reminding me that He was going to provide and He was going to provide BIG... and He sure did. By the time I got on that plane in March, I was at 121% of my goal…. God is so good! Now that I’m heading into another year, the anxiety of raising support for another year is back. However I remind myself of His promises and how He has provided for me in the past. As I fly home in the next few months to raise another year of support, I will admit, it’s intimidating. It’s hard to look at big expenses that are coming up such as a plane ticket and health insurance (my two main expenses). Then there is my own desire to hopefully be able to go home next Christmas and not knowing whether I will be able to afford it or not. While praying the other day about it, I felt these words on my heart:

“Show me your faith and I will show you My power.”

Wow…. talk about being hit on the side of the head! Who am I to doubt Him? Hasn’t He provided what I have needed so far? No, He hasn’t. “What?!” you may say! No, He has NOT provided what I have needed. He has provided MORE than I needed.  And since He has called me here for a second year won’t He continue to provide? He is not a God to call a person to something and then not see them through. No, He absolutely will provide.

Yes, it’s scary. Yes, it’s intimidating, especially when I can’t see the whole path in front of me. But I have a God who is bigger than all of that and will not let me down. To God alone be the glory!

1 comment:

  1. i love it... "show me your faith, I'll show you my power"

    living like this is crazy but its an adventure :)


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