Tuesday, October 9, 2012


“And do not be grieved, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.”
Nehemiah 8:10

Unexplainable joy.
That is what I have been experiencing since I have returned to China. A joy that can only come from God, and God alone.
A joy that leaves me saying, “I have no reason to be this happy!”
One thing I have learned (among others) is that joy is a choice. We can choose to be happy and content at where God has us, or we can be miserable.
It’s up to us. Not up to our circumstances and certainly not up to other people.
I look back on the past year of my life. Actually, the last year and a half and look at all that God has done.
It blows me away.
I am not the same girl I was just over a year ago. Goodness, not even the same girl I was in March when I moved here.
When I came to China, I thought God was calling me here to love on the orphans of China.
But really, God wanted to love on me.
He had to get me out of my comfort zone. Out of all that was familiar and predictable (okay, when is our walk with Christ ACTUALLY predictable?!") in order to heal me. For me to find true healing and peace, I HAD to come to China.
Why do I ever doubt Him? I’m not sure. Probably because I’m human.
God is good and a life with Him can fill us with joy.

1 comment:

  1. You inspire me so much!! You have such a Christian maturity that took me so long in my life to receive! It is a gift!! I am so happy for you--joy and peace- gifts from God!!


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