Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Excitement for Change

I have NEVER been one to like change. I mean, I usually HATE it. I remember when I turned 13 years old, I cried. I thought that EVERYTHING changed when you became a teenager. It ended up not feeling too different than age 12. : ) I think the hardest thing is the anticipation of change. Just knowing that things are changing is hard.

Ever since I said yes to God’s calling to move to China, I knew that I would have to start embracing change. And I’ve actually learned to look forward to it! There is going to be a lot of change in the coming months and years. One thing I’ve learned is that change doesn’t have to be a bad thing. A good friend of mine once told me “change isn’t bad, it’s just different.” And that’s so true. We get so scared about it rather than embrace it. Change can sometimes be a GOOD thing (imagine that?)! : )

Change isn’t always easy but it can be exciting. I’ve reached a point where I am ready for change and excited for it. That doesn’t mean I’m not sad or dreading the goodbye’s that are coming in my life, but I’m so excited for this next chapter of my life God is revealing. And who knows? Maybe I’ll even learn to LIKE change. : )


1 comment:

  1. It seems you and Khloe had more in common that I realized... no wonder she was so attached to you when you served at New Day!

    But guess what... she learned to LIKE change, too! And no one would've ever thunk it back then. It's amazing how she goes with the flow and loves new adventures. Not at all the same kid she was in China only 20mos ago.

    Can't wait to follow your new journey to NDS. We've been praying for you, and you KNOW we will continue. Praying and believing for every last provision to come your way. I know God is in ALL of the details, including the financial end ~ He has you covered!!

    God bless you, Anneli ~ we love you!!



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