Saturday, November 19, 2011

It’s Official–China bound AGAIN!

“Look at the nations and watch – and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told.”                                 

~Habakkuk 1:5

<Samsung i85, Samsung VLUU i85>

Word has gotten around, but for those of you who do NOT know, I am very excited to tell you that I am GOING BACK TO CHINA! I know that I’ve been pretty vague over the past few months on Facebook and on my bog as to “what I’m up too.” I’ve been asking for lots of prayer and support and guidance. Everything just happened really fast and I needed time to pray and seek guidance before making an official decision. There were also specific people who I wanted to share my plans with before I “went public.”

After my 4 months in China back in early 2010, I wasn’t quite sure what was “next.” I felt very confused and at a loss because I had such a heart for orphans and China specifically but at that point did not feel this huge pull that I would definitely be returning one day like I know several people have had. But instead, knew that God was calling me overseas again, I just didn’t know where. I knew that if I went to China again, there were a few things I KNEW I wanted. One, that I would go where the need was greater. Not that I didn’t make a difference where I was in 2010, but there were lots of volunteers (which is awesome!) and I wanted to go where the need was greater. Second, I knew it was going to be for longer. 4 months was a good amount of time for my first trip overseas, but I knew if I returned, it would be more long term. And by long term I don’t necessarily mean for the rest of my life (but who knows, maybe… that’s not up to me!) but would probably go for 2-3 years, as long as God wanted me there. And third, I wanted to help get a new ministry started and hold more of a position that would involve not only loving the kids but also doing orphan outreach/awareness.

I will be retuning to China hopefully late February 2012 (that’s my goal anyways). I will be working with New Day Foster Home again (that is where I went in 2010), however they opened a branch outside of Guangzhou (near Hong Kong) in southern China. There are only 7 children there at the moment, and I will hold a variety of roles. Not quite sure what my exact job description will be, I will kind of make it up as I go. : ) I’m committing a year but am leaving my return open to the Lord’s leading.

I’m definitely going with an open mind and open heart this time as to what God is going to do and how He is going to use me. I’m very excited to be a part of NDFH again but help with their southern branch (did I mention that I’ve wanted to move south for several years now?!) and work in a different capacity. It’s a whole other story how I even ended up at ND South. I’ll leave that for another day. : )

I knew I’d love to return to China, but had no idea it would be this soon and really never thought it would be through ND again. God is such a better author than me! Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers these next few months as I raise support to return overseas. My letters are out, sent yesterday morning. I’ve spend this whole week praying over them and praying that God will place what I’m doing on the hearts of people to financially as well as prayerfully support me in this exciting journey the Lord has me on. I know God has called me and I know He will provide. I have so many stories already of how He continues to remind me that this is His plan. Support is out of my control now, it’s up to God. I know He is going to blow me away in ways I would never expect, just like the verse stated above.

“Being confident of this, that He would began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”

~Philippians 1:6



  1. Oh HOORAY!!!! Yippee Jesus!!!!
    We are THRILLED for you!
    Praising, praying and hugging you via the web!
    Love you girl!

  2. SO excited for you!!! I can't wait to see what God is going to do!

  3. Sweet girl, we are praying for you and can't wait to see God's plan develop! Love to you!

  4. Oh how I LOVE what Doug and Janice said here... what a wonderful "welcome" to the family! You are on the journey of a lifetime and I am SO happy for you, Anneli. They are more blessed than they yet even know to have you on their team! God is GOOD!!! <><

    Love you, girl!

  5. My family is very excited to learn about your commitment to ND South and see all that God is doing in your life. We have a very special connection to ND, too, and its looking like we may even get to meet you in the summer of 2012 when we come to bring our little lady home!! Give Hope a little extra love for me, will ya? Praying for you, Annali!


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