Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Hard Goodbye's

I have FINALLY gone through the rest of my pictures from China. What a project that was! I narrowed it down and only have *ahem* 631 pictures. I know, I know, that is still a lot. But, I just couldn't decide. 

I'll slowly post more pictures from my time in China with my mom and sister. Here are a few from our last day. It is hard saying goodbye to all of the sweet friends and nannies I met while living there for two years. 

This is one of our nanny's, Anna. I have lived with her the entire time I was in China. She only speaks Chinese, and I only speak English. But, we made it work. She is such a sweetheart and so good with our children. It was very hard saying goodbye to her. And this precious little one in her arms.

The Bush's have been my second family these last few years. They have truly been a blessing to me.

And then there is Katrina. She is really the one who keeps the foster home going. We have spent many hours in the office, hospital, and on orphanage trips together. There really are no words to describe how special she is to me. 

As hard as goodbye's are, I know that the time was right. I am excited to see what the Lord has in store for me next and the new friendships that will be formed.

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