Wednesday, October 2, 2013

How Could I Not?

Little Peanut is home and doing well all things considered. After spending most of his short life in a hospital bed, we are trying to give him all the cuddles and love he missed while he was a lone in ICU.
I'm usually "on the go" whenever I'm in the foster home. Whether it's preparing for preschool, teaching preschool, working on developmental assessments, uploading pictures to out Facebook page, writing blog posts or who knows what else, I'm always doing something. Often I get so caught up in "doing something" that I forget to just stop and love on these precious children that are placed in my path. The other morning, I felt this urge to just cuddle with Peanut. And so I did just that. Gently lifted him out of his crib, I rocked him in my arms for about 30 minutes. I just marveled at how tiny his little fingers and how bright his eyes were. As I sat there, singing and praying over him, a thought hit me:

How could I not believe that God works miracles today when I am literally holding a miracle in my arms?
Hmmm, that is very true. I have friends and family going through difficult things. Things I pray about but honestly don't see or know how it will all be worked out. How God will work and move. But after holding this little one, those doubts began to fall away. After all, if the God of the universe decided to heal this precious little orphan boy, can't He do all things? He can indeed.

I am in the process of figuring out travel details for my trip back to the US over the holidays. Flights have been changed and in order to contact who I need it, it's either very late at night for me or very early. All that on top of a sketchy internet connection makes it beyond frustrating. However, I am trying to keep all of this in perspective and that God can indeed work a miracle... even a travel miracle. And I am praying for just that.

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