Sunday, September 15, 2013


I am currently in "no man's land." I have "stamped out" of China but have yet to "stamp in" anywhere. That's right, I'm at the Hong Kong airport waiting on my flight to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. My trip thus far, has been uneventful. My pickup van was only a few minutes late which took me to the ferry port on which I boarded the ferry (where the picture below was taken) directly to the airport. Checked my bag, obtained my boarding pass, and now have another hour to kill before my flight boards.
My feelings so far? Refreshed. Don't get me wrong, I love China (most of the time), but there is just something about getting out of China that allows me to breath easier. And no, it is not the air because Hong Kong is pretty polluted (probably more so than Zhongshan)! China is a tough place to live and you don't realize the oppression until you leave. At least I don't. 
I am so thankful for this opportunity. I get to visit a friend, see a new country, and get a little vacation. After being back in China for almost 4 straight months without a break, I was beginning to feel burnt out and was more than ready for a rest.

Already, I am feeling rested.

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