Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A Place of Hope

“But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength.
They will sore on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” (Isaiah 40:31)

A few months ago, I shared about my orphanage visits. Five Chinese orphanages in three days. It’s an experience that will stay with me for the rest of my life. There is no way to describe the pain I witnessed in those three days. The heartache and feeling of hopelessness. When I would walk into a room full of children who are “unadoptable” and cry out to my Maker,

Why God?!”
Why don’t they have a chance?”
Why do they have no hope?”
Why do I not even know what to pray over these precious children?”
“Children created in Your image?”

I felt this all consuming feeling of hopelessness. A feeling that I couldn’t shake. I looked at the hurting and the distant look in the eyes of these children and I realized how this must be how God feels. Probably angry. Watching His children suffer breaks His heart. That is why He has such a heart for the orphan. He has not forgotten them. He knows the number of hairs on their heads. He knows them by name and He loves them. He has not forgotten and He will not forget.

But He also calls us to act.

Since that trip, I have witness FOUR miracles. Four children have come into our care since then. Two of them I saw in those orphanages and the other two were a part of those would have been a part of those orphanages. Lying on wooden slabs of wood with hopelessness in their eyes. Defeat in their little spirits. I have seen how love can make a difference. How in just a short amount of time, they have gone from sad, solemn, downcast to joyful, smiling, happy, and most of all…. hopeful.

They have taught me more than they will ever know. The heart of the Father is evident in each of their lives. Their miracles. How those who Hope in the Lord will renew their strength. And how blessed I am to be a part of hope.


1 comment:

  1. This breaks my heart. I can see how you felt so confused and not even felt you knew how to pray. I am so thankful the Lord saw fit to move the 4 to your loving care. It is hard to understand the how's and why's. But praise the Lord for the difference He is making in the lives of those ?12? (I am losing count! ;)through you and the others who serve so faithfully.


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