Sunday, January 31, 2010

Olympic park

Hello from China! Things are going and I'm adjusting more and more each day. It's amazing how once you get some sleep and get over jetlag how much better everything is! I really LOVE working at the foster home. I'm getting used to my schedule and what I'm supposed to be doing there. I'm also learning the kids names and their personalities. I love working in the preschool which is where I spend most of my day. It's funny because at first I was a little nervous about being there as I would have loved to be with the babies too but I'm realizing the preschool is exactly where I'm supposed to be. I love seeing the babies and holding them from time to time but I love interacting with the kids.
As far as adjusting to the culture and just China in general, it's coming. Each day gets better and better but it is definately not the states and that takes time to get used to. I'm getting used to not understanding anyone and using lots of hand motions with people. I keep getting more comfortable here so it is definately a process. Also the crazy driving here!
Today we had the opportunity to go to olympic park and see the "birds nest" and the "water cube." It was really cool to see where the olympics were held. I really wanted to get into the water cube and see the pool but they were working on it and so we couldn't. But it was just neat to see it all! I definately couldn't have come all the way to Beijing and not see any of that. We then went to Wangfujing St. which is apparently the "Times Square" of Beijing. It was definately the upscale part of Beijing. A totally diffeent world from the village that we live in. It was fun to see though even though I'd never be able to afford anything there!
I hope everyone is doing well at home. I miss you all so much and thanks for all your thoughts and support. I'm doing most of my updating from blog so check it out at I'm also posting all my pictures on there.
Feel free to email me. I'd love to hear how you are all doing!

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